The Trust-Content-Revenue Love Triangle

Trust is the foundation upon which lasting B2B relationships are built. When potential clients trust your brand, they’re more likely to engage with your content, consider your solutions, and ultimately convert into customers. Content marketing plays a crucial role in this trust-building process by providing value, demonstrating expertise, and fostering meaningful connections. When your potential clients trust you, they’re more likely to swipe right on your content and eventually put a ring on it (aka become paying customers).

“71 percent of B2B marketers say content marketing has become more important to their organization in the last year.”
— 2023 Content Marketing Institute B2B Content Marketing Report 

Five ways that content can help you build trust 

  1. Prioritize authenticity and transparency. Modern B2B buyers are savvy and can quickly spot inauthentic messaging. Brands that communicate openly about their values, processes, and even challenges tend to resonate more strongly with their audience.Example: Salesforce has built a reputation for transparency through its “State of” report series, which provides in-depth insights into various aspects of business and technology. Salesforce is not afraid to “spill the tea,” and it shows in their results. By sharing comprehensive data and analysis, Salesforce positions itself as a trusted authority in the CRM and cloud computing space.
  2. Deliver consistent, high-quality content. Consistency in both quality and frequency of content helps establish a reliable presence in your industry. This reliability translates to trust as your audience comes to depend on your insights and expertise. Consistency in content is like brushing your teeth—do it regularly, or things will get ugly.Example: HubSpot’s blog and resource center are prime examples of consistent, high-quality content delivery. By regularly publishing valuable articles, guides, and tools across various marketing and sales topics, HubSpot has become a go-to source for professionals seeking to enhance their skills and stay informed about industry trends.
  3. Leverage user-generated content and customer stories. Authentic testimonials and case studies from satisfied customers can significantly boost credibility. Why toot your own horn when your customers can do it for you? According to TrustRadius, 87 percent of B2B buyers want to self-serve part or all of their buying journey. In other words, they trust other customers more than they trust you.Example: IBM effectively uses customer success stories across its content channels, showcasing real-world applications of its technologies and the tangible benefits experienced by clients. These stories provide social proof and help potential customers envision how IBM’s solutions could address their own challenges.
  4. Personalize content experiences. Imagine walking into a party and the host immediately hands you your favorite drink. That’s what personalized content feels like. Tailoring content to address specific pain points and needs of different segments within your audience demonstrates a deep understanding of your customers, fostering trust through relevance.Example: Adobe’s Experience League provides personalized learning paths for users of its various products. This tailored approach to education and support helps users maximize the value of Adobe’s solutions while building trust in the brand’s commitment to customer success.
  5. Showcase thought leadership. Remember that kid in school who always had their hand up with the answer? Be that kid in your industry (but let others talk too, of course!). Positioning your brand and key executives as thought leaders can significantly enhance trust and authority. Deloitte’s 2023 Global Marketing Trends report found that 81 percent of B2B decision-makers consider thought leadership a critical factor in vendor selection.Example: McKinsey & Company excels in thought leadership through its McKinsey Insights platform, which offers in-depth articles, reports, and podcasts on a wide range of business and economic topics. By consistently providing forward-thinking analysis, McKinsey reinforces its position as a trusted adviser to businesses worldwide.

Measuring trust and content engagement

To gauge the effectiveness of trust-building efforts through content marketing, B2B brands should focus on key metrics that indicate engagement and trust:

  • Time spent on page
  • Return visitor rate
  • Social shares and engagement
  • Lead quality and conversion rates
  • Customer retention and loyalty metrics

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 80 percent of B2B marketers use metrics to measure content performance, with website traffic, email engagement, and social media analytics being the top three areas of focus.

The revenue impact of trust-based content marketing 

Building trust through content marketing not only enhances engagement but also drives tangible business results. A study by Edelman found that 81 percent of consumers say they need to be able to trust a brand to buy from them. This trust translates directly to revenue in the B2B space:

  • Companies that are considered trusted advisers by their customers achieve 5x higher growth rates compared to their peers (Edelman Trust Barometer).
  • B2B companies with strong thought leadership content generate 7.8x more site traffic than those without (LinkedIn).
  • Content marketing generates over 3x as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62 percent less (Demand Metric).

By implementing these trust-building strategies and continually measuring their impact, B2B marketers can create a virtuous cycle of engagement, trust, and revenue growth. In an era where information is abundant but trust is scarce, the brands that prioritize building genuine connections through their content will be the ones that thrive. Making undifferentiated content that sounds like everything else out there will not get you the impact you are looking for. Make trusted content that sounds uniquely like your brand—make your content a differentiator.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start building trust like your revenue depends on it—because, spoiler alert, it does! If you need help getting started, please get in touch with us for a quick chat, and we’ll get you on the right path. Schedule a meeting 

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