Brands vs. Creators: The Battle for Audience Attention

Brands vs Creators, streamer setup

B2B marketers everywhere are scratching their heads, wondering why their carefully crafted campaigns aren’t grabbing attention like they used to. The answer? Audiences are flocking to creator-led content, leaving brand-produced material in the dust. Let’s break down why this shift is happening and what it means for brands trying to keep up.

The state of content today

First, let’s look at the landscape of content creation and consumption.

Creator-led + educational content = GROWING

Platforms like YouTube, social media videos, and podcasts are seeing a huge surge in creator-led educational content. Creators are making high-quality, informative videos and podcasts that audiences love. This content is booming because it’s seen as authentic, engaging, and trustworthy. According to a report by HubSpot, 54 percent of consumers want to see more video content from brands they support, and creators are leading the charge.

Creator-led + entertainment content = GROWING

Entertainment content from individual creators is also on the rise. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok are filled with entertaining videos from creators who have built loyal followings. These creators know how to produce content that keeps people watching. The rise in social video consumption is undeniable, with video traffic predicted to account for 82 percent of all internet traffic by 2025 (

Brand-led + educational content = DECLINING

Brand-led educational content, on the other hand, is struggling. Google’s AI and community-led search changes are making it harder for brand content to be found. On YouTube, creators are taking over, pushing brand channels into the background. A study from Search Engine Journal shows that 70 percent of marketers see SEO as more challenging than it was two years ago.

Brand-led + entertainment content = VERY HARD

Creating engaging entertainment content is tough for brands. Few can consistently produce content that matches the creativity and agility of individual creators. The competitive landscape is fierce, and many brands just can’t keep up.

Here’s the harsh reality:

Creators dominate growing channels

Creators are ruling the roost on the platforms that are growing the fastest. Their content is more relatable, personal, and engaging than traditional brand content. Social media algorithms favor content that drives engagement, which often means creators’ posts get more visibility than brand content. In fact, a survey by Edelman found that 63 percent of consumers trust influencers’ opinions of products more than what brands say about themselves.

Algorithm changes and competitive pressure

Brands are struggling with algorithm changes and the competitive pressure from creators. Social media platforms prioritize content that gets high engagement, and creators excel at this. As algorithms evolve, it’s getting harder for brands to stay visible.

Authentic voices beat corporate messaging

Audiences prefer authentic voices over corporate messaging. People trust individuals more than faceless corporations. Personal stories and experiences shared by creators resonate more deeply than polished brand narratives.

Why this shift?

Trust in individuals

People trust individuals more than logos. This trust is built on perceived authenticity and relatability. When a creator shares their personal journey or expertise, it feels genuine. A report from Sprout Social highlights that 86 percent of consumers say authenticity is a key factor when deciding which brands they like and support.

Resonance of personal stories

Personal stories have a unique way of connecting with audiences emotionally. Creators leverage their experiences to make content that feels real and relatable. This connection fosters a sense of community and loyalty among their followers.

Agility of creators

Creators can quickly adapt to platform changes and audience preferences. Unlike marketing departments, which often have lengthy approval processes, creators can experiment, iterate, and respond to trends in real time.

Brands must evolve or become irrelevant

The message for brands is clear: Evolve or risk becoming irrelevant. To stay competitive, brands need to rethink their content strategies. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Partner with creators
    One effective way for brands to stay relevant is to partner with creators. By collaborating with influencers who have built credibility and loyal followings, brands can tap into new audiences and benefit from the trust these creators have earned.
  • Think like creators
    Brands need to adopt a creator mindset. This means being agile, authentic, and willing to experiment. Brands should focus on storytelling that highlights personal experiences rather than corporate messaging.
  • Invest in community building
    Building a community around your brand can help bridge the gap between corporate content and creator content. By fostering a sense of community, brands can create a space where audiences feel connected and engaged.
  • Embrace platform changes
    Staying on top of platform changes and trends is crucial. Brands need to be nimble and ready to adapt their strategies to fit new algorithms and audience behaviors.


Traditional content marketing is changing. Brands are losing the attention wars as creator-led content grows in popularity. To stay relevant, brands must evolve their strategies, embrace authenticity, and consider partnerships with creators.

The future of content marketing lies in the hands of those who can pivot, adapt, and resonate with audiences on a personal level. At CMD, we are staying abreast of the latest video creation technologies, monitoring platform changes, and working on new production workflows to create in a faster and more nimble way. If you need help with your content strategy, production, testing, or tracking, CMD has the right teams and tools to help. Schedule a meeting to connect and learn more.



  • HubSpot blog research
  • Cisco visual networking index ‒ Cisco VNI
  • Search Engine Journal ‒ SEO Challenges
  • Edelman Trust Barometer ‒ Edelman Trust
  • Sprout Social ‒ Consumer Preferences
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